Saya Siap Membantu Semua Desain Arsitektur Yang Anda Butuhkan.

( Rumah Tinggal, Kantor, Ruko, Hotel, Apartment, Villa, Plaza, Toko,Gudang Dll )

Hanya 3 proses saja Impian anda akan terwujud ikuti langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini……………


- Biaya desain sangat murah, jauh dibawah harga normal.
- Tata letak ruangan di dalam rumah akan lebih teratur
- Memanfaatkan secara maksimal luas lahan.
- Efisien karena konsultasi dapat dilakukan dimanapun Anda / Klien berada.

Desain yang akan Anda / Klien dapatkan meliputi :

- Lay Out
- Site Plan
- Denah lt. 01, dst
- Tampak Depan & Samping
- Potongan A-A & B-B
- Perspektif 1 View

( Semua pengerjaan secara digital atau cetak kertas A3 )

Gratis untuk Anda / Klien yang menggunakan jasa kami :

- 2 (dua) kali revisi gambar (bukan revisi total)
- 2 (dua) kali konsultasi via email/sms/chat/call : 08121795425
- Biaya kirim melalui TiKi di Indonesia
- Desain-desain untuk keperluan tempat ibadah/sosial hanya kena biaya cetak & kirim

Hari Ini Fee Desain : Rp. 20.000,- per m²

Minimal Luas Bangunan 400 m2

< 400 m2 = 400 m2

Bila menghendaki gambar kerja lebih detail

harga nego

Proses Kerja

Untuk mendesain rumah Anda dengan order online, maka berikut tahap proses yang akan dilakukan :

I. Data dari Anda / Klien :

- Ukuran tanah : 20 x 20 = 400 m²

- Jumlah, ukuran dan fungsi ruang (misalnya Anda / Klien menginginkan nanti ruangannya apa aja, bangunannya 2 lantai, ada dapur teras r tamu dll) kalau bisa lampirkan foto/gambar bangunan sebagai pendekatan

- Peraturan bangunan dari lokal dan pemerintah daerah (misalnya garis sepadan bangunan)

- Peta Lokasi ( Arah Mata Angin, posisi lahan ada di mana )

* ANDA SCAN KIRIM EMAIL KE : onarsitek@yahoo.com

Beritahu saya sms ke : 08121795425

II. Analisa dari Kami

- Perkiraan luas bangunan : Mis : 600 m² (Untuk Teras, Selasar dihitung 50 %nya )

Perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 600 m² = Rp. 12.000.000,-

- Kami sampaikan biaya yang harus Anda / Klien bayarkan dan kami akan kirimkan desain awal rumah dalam format jpg / gif via email untuk ditanggapi

- Setelah Anda / Klien setuju, lakukan transfer ke rekening kami sejumlah 50% dari perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 12.000.000 x 50% = Rp. 6.000.000,-

- Kirim konfirmasi pembayaran melalui email/sms ke 08121795425

berupa : *Nama*tanggal transfer*Nominalnya*.

Misal : *Budi*25/03/09*6.000.000*

* HUB SAYA – NEGO – ANDA TRANSFER KE : BNI 46 Cab. Unair Surabaya – 9025202-1

III. Gambar Paket

- Kami kerjakan kurang lebih 2 (dua) minggu (tergantung tingkat kesulitan),

- Selesai dan kondisi akhir luas bangunan 500 m² (termasuk luas teras,selasar dihitung 50 % ) dengan perhitungan biaya :

Total biaya akhir = Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 500 m²

= Rp.10.000.000,-

Sisa pembayaran = Rp.10.000.000,- - Rp. 6.000.000,-

= Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah Desain selesai saya beritahu anda dan kirim format JPG lewat email.

- Anda / Klien melakukan pembayaran sisa transfer

ke rekening kami sejumlah Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah transfer saya terima maka gambar akan saya cetak A3 dan saya kirim ke alamat anda



Cepat Wujudkan IMPIAN ANDA Dengan 3 Proses diatas.

Kontak Saya :


Rachmat Prasetyo, ST



Jl. Jojoran I-G/11 Surabaya

Selasa, 27 April 2010



Great Washington street residence designs for perfect living space especially if you have big family. The artistic interior design in this house can be found in each room. The house design plan factors were to create no observable variations to the front classic/traditional frontage of the home although fully renovating the interior to generate a modern open living space and housing the customer’s extensive group of modern art. This modern luxury residence design beautify by complete of contemporary arts practical on the switches, walls decor, doors and sinks. It is an ideal plan which can be absolutely blurring the contour connecting normal living and art knowledge. Here it is best sample modern luxury Washington residence design photos with artistic interior design that can be our inspiration to build our dream house

Log Home Designs - Basic Concepts

Log Home Designs - Basic Concepts

By David Buster

Log home designs can be divided in several ways. Understanding log home designs and basic concepts can help you select the design that is best for you. As you are getting involved in the design process, consider these basic concepts as they apply to your design:

• Shape of Log Used - the logs used in your log home can be shaped in various ways. They can be full round, D-shaped, square shaped, rectangular shaped or Swedish cope style. D-shaped logs will have one side of the log flat with the other three sides being rounded. The Swedish cope style has a portion of the bottom of the log cut out so that the log rests more securely on the log beneath it in the wall.

• Type of Log Wood - there are many wood species commonly used in log home designs. There is no such thing as a "best" wood to use, rather, each species has advantages and disadvantages. Wood types include cedar, cypress, Douglas fir, hemlock, lodgepole pine, oak, spruce, white pine and yellow pine. If log home designs, construction and maintenance are done properly, any of these woods will provide many decades of enjoyable log home living. If not designed, built and maintained properly, none of the woods will hold up very well.

• Peeled or Milled Logs - peeled logs used in log home designs will have the bark and outer sapwood removed. This can be accomplished by hand or by the mill's machinery. Milled logs are run through machines that will create the desired log shape when finished. The log surfaces will be more smooth and uniform in milled logs.

• Corner Systems Used - here are the four main corner systems used in log home designs:

1. Butt-and-Pass - these corners are formed when one log stops where it meets the intersecting log, and the other log extends past the corner. There are many variations involving the shape of the area where the logs butt. Usually the passing logs have a cutout into which the butt log fits.

2. Dovetail Corners - these corners are used mostly with square or rectangular logs. The end of each log is cut in such a way that produces a fan-shaped wedge. As the logs are stacked, the ends of one wall’s logs will be locked into the perpendicular logs.

3. Notched - notched corners are also known as saddle-notch. A saddle-shaped notch is cut into the bottom of each round log so that this notch on the bottom of the top log straddles the top of the log coming from the perpendicular wall. Both logs then extend past the corner. The saddle-notch is one of the most traditional corner intersections used in log home designs and is favored by many handcrafters. These type of corners are very strong, but they do require more construction time. Notched corners are also easier to seal and hold corner logs better than butt-and-pass.

4. Post Corners - the log ends are cut off perpendicular to the length of the log and joined at the corners using what amounts to vertical posts. This type of construction is not as labor intensive. This corner style sacrifices some of the traditional log cabin or log home look. Using post corners will require a different engineering treatment than other log corners, because the vertical posts do not settle with the horizontal logs.

One of the best ways to learn more about log home designs is to view log home plans that have been successfully built. Every plan that you examine can give you design ideas that you had not thought of. Trying to create brand new plans from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive. You can save considerably if you can find great plans that exist that you like. Just be sure the plans service can make changes to the plans so they become exactly what you want. That way, you really can create the log home design that will provide you many years of enjoyment.

Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

Green Home Designs - How to Do This

Green Home Designs - How to Do This

By Suman Bhattarai

A Green Home design is ideal for today's world because we are destroying it. Small effort from your side can change this. If you are thinking of designing a house then consider Green Home Designs. This design basically focuses on various aspects of energy conservation. So, lets talk about how to plan for a green home designs.

1. Home construction site: Make sure that you have made a detailed study about the site, which includes its slope, vegetation around them and location. Always be careful that construction of your home should have a minimal effect on plants and animals around it. It is better to construct house in areas with proper transportation, shops, schools and parks. While constructing your home, give a detail look at the natural lighting system. Make sure that sunlight is available for maximum time so that you don't have to use alternative light source early. After all not using electricity means conserving electricity.

2. What's the correct size for a Green home designs? When it comes to size of home we tend to think that bigger is better. But, in Green home designs it's just the opposite. Smaller the house, bigger the contribution for Earth. Bigger house means more energy consumptions for heating and lighting. You are wasting energy for nothing. Just decide on number of rooms that you want and act accordingly. If you built a guest room that is only used once in a year or so then it's just a waste of energy and money. So, plan very carefully about your home size and numbers of room.

3. Opt in for solar energy: Thanks to some great green loving Engineers, there are so many equipments constructed which utilizes solar energy for various purposes. You can get a solar energy water heater for cooking and bathing. They are very efficient and are 100% clean with zero carbon footprints. You can also get solar panels for lighting. Even though the initial cost for solar products is high compared to others, it will be an excellent choice if you consider its long term benefits. Remember that heating your water by solar energy means you are not using electricity. So, you are saving Earth as well as your electricity bills.

4. Conserve water: Always give especial consideration about water conservation while you are thinking of Green home designs. Always use low flush toilets, aerators on taps and gray water system. Gray water system is simply a plumbing system in which you reuse waste water from bathing, washing and laundry for watering lawns and flushing toilet.

These are few basic things that you can consider for green home designs. But another important thing that you should change is your fossil fuel hunger. Always try to use minimal quantity of fossil fuels.

Adopt these basic guidelines for green home design and we have a happy family and Earth

Low Voltage Deck Lighting - Cheaper Alternative to Outdoor Home Designs

Low Voltage Deck Lighting - Cheaper Alternative to Outdoor Home Designs

By John Warner

There are many reasons why you should go for installing outdoor light fixtures, including the fact that it will make your home's exterior look very stunning at night. One of the alternatives that you might want to consider is low voltage deck lighting as it offers almost the same kind of charm but with added safety and less cost in electricity.

It is very important to factor in energy efficiency when it comes to installing outdoor lighting fixtures. If you are confronted by the possibility that it might cause an increase in your monthly power bill or if it poses a threat to the safety of your home, then you should consider the possibility of using an alternative.

Low voltage deck lightning does not mean that all aesthetics will be lost. In fact, there are a lot of deck lighting fixtures that you can find which are all still very classy and great to look at especially at night. All the difference is that they are a little cheaper than the high voltage types.

The installation of any and all lighting fixtures especially on the outside should be done by a professional so that you can be sure that everything is working properly and that there are no safety requirements that will be overlooked.

One of the most important things to remember is to mind the spacing of the lights as well as the wires that will be used. Every material and tool has to be there in order for the installation to go smoothly and efficiently. It is to be expected that the lights will be stable for a long time because they will hardly ever be touched.

Low voltage deck lighting is not that complicated. One just has to learn a little about it to see that it is not such a bad idea even as far as design is concerned. You do not have to make a compromise between safety and aesthetics these days because manufacturers and creators of light fixtures always find ways to make things pretty as well as safe to keep a well needed balance in the world of home improvement.

Inspiring Home Designs

Inspiring Home Designs

By John Gibb

So when you redesign your home, what exactly should you do to it? If you’re short on inspiration, here are a few ideas to get you started.

The place where many people like to really go to town with their design ideas is in babies’ and children’s rooms – you can paint them bright colours, do imaginative pictures of fantasy environments, draw pictures of the child’s favourite characters from books and TV, and so much more besides. If you do this, why not let the child join in with the painting and show you what they want, with you just being there to help make their decoration dreams come true. However, one thing to be careful of is to keep redecorating their room as they get older – you don’t want them to be embarrassed to bring around friends when they’re a teenager because of their babyishly coloured room.

Another idea could be to make an ‘outdoors’ house, taking inspiration from your garden in how to design your home. This means lots of greens and blues, lots of plants, outdoor fragrances, lots of windows – a real outdoor feel indoors.

Indeed, the best way to design a home yourself is often to just pick a theme and take it as far as it will go. I know a couple with a ‘space house’, complete with portraits of rockets and black ceilings with painted stars – it sounds silly, but it’s really interesting to look at. Whatever you’re passionate about, make your house show it.

Don’t forget, though, that redecorating doesn’t have to be all about tearing things down and buying new stuff. You can get a long way with a few posters, ornaments, or just reorganising or repainting your furniture. You really don’t need to break the bank and hire a handyman to get your ideal home, as a little work can go a long way.

The Home Depot

The Home Depot

By Various

The Home Depot in Knightdale, North Carolina
The Home Depot (NYSE: HD) is an American retailer of home improvement and construction products and services. The Home Depot operates 2,193 big-box format stores across the United States (including all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Guam), Canada (all ten provinces), Mexico and China. The Home Depot is headquartered from the Atlanta Store Support Center in unincorporated Cobb County, Georgia, near Atlanta.

The Home Depot is the largest home-improvement retailer in the United States, ahead of rival Lowe's, and the second-largest general retailer in the United States, behind only Wal-Mart.


1 History
2 The Home Depot today
2.1 Board of directors
2.2 Marketing
2.3 Online
2.4 Exclusive brands
2.5 Fuel centers
2.6 Home Depot construction toys
3 Social and community philanthropy
4 Environmental record
5 Major sponsorships
6 The Home Depot internationally
6.1 Canada
6.2 Mexico
6.3 China
6.4 United Kingdom
6.5 South America
7 Labor union policies
8 Criticism
8.1 Whistleblower case
9 References
10 External links

The Home Depot was founded in 1978 by Bernie Marcus, Arthur Blank, Ron Brill, and Pat Farrah. The Home Depot's proposition was to build home-improvement warehouses, larger than any of their competitors' facilities. Investment banker Ken Langone helped Marcus and Blank to secure the necessary capital.

“ "Bernie and I founded [The Home Depot] with a special vision -- to create a company that would keep alive the values that were important to us. Values like respect among all people, excellent customer service and giving back to communities and society." ”
—Arthur Blank

In 1979, the first two stores, built in spaces leased from J. C. Penney that were originally Treasure Island "hypermarket" (discount department and grocery) stores, opened in metro Atlanta on June 21. Two more opened not long after, and all four shared the space under the "squiggly" zig-zag roof with Zayre on its right side. The first headquarters was on Terrell Mill Road on the southeast side of Marietta, Georgia, just down from one of the stores at the corner of Cobb Parkway. (That store [33°54′23″N 84°29′14″W / 33.9065°N 84.4872°W], in the Marietta Plaza strip mall, became Value City, changing to Burlington Coat Factory in 2008; part was also a short-lived Little Bucks, in which Brill had a stake.)

Since the 1990s, its current headquarters (33°51′54″N 84°28′55″W / 33.865°N 84.482°W) is a complex of high-rise buildings on Paces Ferry Road, on the western edge of the Cumberland/Galleria edge city in unincorporated Cobb County, Georgia, across Interstate 285 from the town of Vinings, and served by mail from Atlanta. The tallest is approximately 85 metres (280 ft) high, the fourth-tallest in the Vinings area. Many of the company's employees refer to the headquarters as the "Taj Mahal" because of the luxurious look on the interior and exterior of the buildings.

In 2000, after the retirement of Marcus and Blank, Robert Nardelli was appointed chairman, president, and CEO. Nardelli was replaced in January 2007 by Frank Blake.

In 2007 the Home Depot sold its USD $13 billion revenue wholesale (trade) division, HD Supply, to a consortium of three private equity firms, The Carlyle Group, Bain Capital and Clayton, Dubilier and Rice (with each agreeing to buy a one-third stake in the division). Home Depot sold their wholesale construction supply business to fund a stock repurchase estimated at $40 billion

The Home Depot today

Distribution of Home Depot stores in the lower 48 states

The Home Depot in Durham, North Carolina
Home Depot stores are large, averaging 105,000 ft² (9,755 m²) and organized warehouse-style, stocking a large range of supplies. The company color is a bright orange (PMS 165, CMYK 60M100Y), on signs, equipment and employee aprons.

Its 2005 sales totaled US$91.8 billion (US$77.0 billion in retail sales). Despite the 10% increase in revenue, it dropped three spots to #17 on the 2007 FORTUNE magazine's FORTUNE 500 list (it was #13 in 2005 and #14 in 2006). The Home Depot owned EXPO Design Center, a chain of higher-end home decorating and appliance stores, but closed the chain in 2009. [3] In 2006, the Home Depot acquired Hughes Supply which was assimilated into HD Supply serving contractors, which it eventually sold in June 2007. In September 2005, Home Depot Direct launched its high-end online home-furnishings store, 10 Crescent Lane, shortly followed by the launch of Paces Trading Company, its high-end online lighting store. In mid 2006, the Home Depot acquired Home Decorators Collection which was placed as an additional brand under its Home Depot Direct Division. Home Depot Landscape Supply, with only a few stores each in metro Atlanta and Dallas/Fort Worth, was founded in 2002 and closed in late 2007.

On January 2, 2007, the Home Depot and Robert Nardelli mutually agreed on Nardelli's resignation as CEO after a six-year tenure. Nardelli resigned amid complaints over his heavy-handed management and whether his pay package of $123.7 million, excluding stock option grants, over the past 5 years was excessive considering the stock's poor performance versus its competitor Lowe's. His golden parachute severance package of $210 million has been criticized because when the stock went down his pay went up. His successor is Frank Blake, who previously served as the company's vice chairman of the board and executive vice president. Blake agreed to a much more conservative compensation package than his predecessor that is very heavily dependent upon the success of the company.

In 2008 and 2009, with the downturn in the housing market, The Home Depot announced the layoff of several thousand associates, as well as the closing of 54 stores nationwide, including the entire EXPO Design Center chain. In the year to February 2009 sales totaled $71.288 billion, more than $20 billion down from the peak of two years earlier due to the sale of HD Supply and falling revenue at the retained business.

Board of directors

Current members of the board of directors of the Home Depot are: F. Duane Ackerman, David H. Batchelder, Frank Blake, Ari Bousbib, Gregory D. Brenneman, Albert P. Carey, Armando Codina, Brian C. Cornell, Bonnie G. Hill, and Karen Katen. The Home Depot's board consists of 10 members, with 9 of them being outside directors.


The slogan "More saving. More doing." was introduced by The Home Depot in the March 18, 2009 circular, replacing "You can do it. We can help." which had been used since 2003. Other slogans used in the past 25 years include "The Home Depot, Low prices are just the beginning" in the early 1990s and "When you're at the Home Depot, You'll feel right at home" in the late 1990s and "The Home Depot: First In Home Improvement!" from 1999-2003.


The domain homedepot.com attracted at least 120 million visitors annually by 2008 according to a Compete.com survey.

Exclusive brands

The Home Depot exclusively carries several major brands, including:

American Craftsman by Andersen (windows, patio doors)
American Woodmark (cabinetry)
BEHR Paint
Brinkmann outdoor grills and supplies
Chem-Dry (carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, tile and grout services)
Distinctions Cabinetry
Feather River Doors
G.E. (water heaters)
Glacier Bay (faucets and bath)
Husky (tools, store brand)
Homelite (outdoor and power tools)
Legacy Doors (premium wood and steel entry doors)
Martha Stewart Living (outdoor furniture, indoor organization and decor products) (Coming January 2010)
Millstead (lumber, store brand)
Pegasus (kitchen and bath items)
Ryobi, RIDGID (power tools)
Thomasville cabinetry
Vigoro (fertilizer)
Additionally, the retailer has its own house brands:

Commercial Electric (lighting and electrical)
Eco Options (store brand)
Hampton Bay (lighting, ceiling fans & patio furniture)
n:vision (compact fluorescent bulbs, formerly part of Commercial Electric)
Commercial Electric and n:vision both have addresses listed in Mableton, the next town southwest of the company's Vinings headquarters.

Fuel centers

Starting in 2006, the Home Depot has started testing with fuel centers at some of its stores. The first such "Home Depot Fuel" convenience store (C-Store) was located in Brentwood, Tennessee followed a month later by a center about 20 miles (32 km) away in Hermitage, both suburbs of Nashville. Four additional prototype stores were built within the year at Acworth, Georgia; Smyrna, Tennessee ; Greensboro, Georgia; and then Winchester, Tennessee in that order. The centers are expected to earn $5–$7 million per year, though the actual number is reported to be much higher. The fuel centers sell beer, hot food, snacks along with providing diesel at a separate island. This allows contractors with large trucks to be able to fill their vehicles. The fuel centers offer car washes, which are large enough to accommodate full-size pickup trucks.

Home Depot construction toys

The Home Depot has its own brand of construction toys, which include plastic hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers but are sold exclusively at Toys R Us.[citation needed]

Social and community philanthropy

The Home Depot Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the company created in 2002. It has contributed over $200 million in time, labor, money, and supplies to a number of causes, including Habitat for Humanity, California-based City of Hope Cancer Center, and playground construction organization KaBOOM!

Home Depot has partnered with the Georgia Emergency Management Agency's Ready Georgia campaign, leading both supplies and facility use to this statewide effort to increase emergency preparedness among Georgia's children. The company also provided ready kits and other prizes for an art and essay contest for Georgia elementary school students.

In 2005, Home Depot was among 53 entities that contributed the maximum of $250,000 to the second inauguration of President George W. Bush.

The Home Depot also operates their own Political Action Committee which is named "Home Depot PAC". Under the political action committee, the company can endorse candidates, contribute to campaigns and lobby for legislation.

Environmental record

The Home Depot has stated on their website that they have a commitment "to the environment and pledge to continue to be an industry leader in looking for products and services that are respectful of our world." The Home Depot introduced a label on nearly 3,000 products in 2007. The label promotes energy conservation, sustainable forestry and clean water. Home Depot executives said that as the world’s largest buyer of construction material, their company had the power to persuade thousands of suppliers, homebuilders and consumers to follow its lead on environment sustainability. “Who in the world has a chance to have a bigger impact on this sector than Home Depot?” said Ron Jarvis, who is the vice president for environmental innovation at Home Depot. This program is following Home Depot’s promise in late 1990s to eliminate the number of sales of lumber from endangered forests in countries including Chile and Indonesia. Home Depot has since worked with environmental groups to create a variety of green programs. For example, Home Depot planted thousands of trees at its headquarters in Atlanta to offset carbon emissions. In 2007, The Home Depot Foundation (the company's charitable foundation) committed to investing $100 million over the next decade to build over 100,000 green affordable homes and plant three million trees.

Additionally, The Home Depot promotes compact fluorescent light bulbs in their stores. As part of this effort, the company has created the largest recycling program in the United States for the bulbs.

Major sponsorships

Since 1991, the company has become a large supporter of athletics, sponsoring the United States and Canadian Olympic teams, and launching a program which offered employment to athletes that accommodates their training and competition schedules. While remaining supportive of Canadian Olympians, the Home Depot ceased to be a sponsor of the Canadian Olympic Team in 2005.

Company co-founder Blank also purchased the Atlanta Falcons franchise of the National Football League in February 2002. The Home Depot is also the primary sponsor of NASCAR Sprint Cup Rookie Joey Logano of Joe Gibbs Racing in a Toyota Camry. Before Joey, it was the sponsor of 2-time Cup Champion Tony Stewart since his rookie year; in 2009 Tony left Joe Gibbs Racing to own half of Stewart Haas Racing. The Home Depot is also the title sponsor of The Home Depot Center in Carson, California, home to both the Los Angeles Galaxy and Chivas USA of (Major League Soccer), and Los Angeles Riptide (Major League Lacrosse), and many past major sporting events. innovative solutions for the home in areas such as security and home monitoring, communications, energy efficiency, entertainment, environment and health.

In January 2007, the Home Depot became the official Home Improvement sponsor of the National Football League.

Seventy-three percent of the Home Depot's campaign contributions went to Republican candidates in the 2005-2006 US elections. "Home Depot's PAC gives money based on a candidate's voting record, committee assignment and leadership position," said company spokesman Jerry Shields. The CEO in this period was Bob Nardelli, a friend of U.S. President George W. Bush. Nardelli hosted a garden reception/fundraiser for Bush at his Atlanta home on May 20, 2004.

The Home Depot internationally


Home Depot Canada is the Canadian unit of the Home Depot and one of Canada's top home improvement retailers. The Canadian operation consists of nearly 190 stores and employs over 35,000 people in Canada. Home Depot Canada has stores in all ten Canadian provinces and serves territorial Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and Yukon through electronic means (Online and catalogue sales).

The Canadian unit was created with the purchase of Aikenhead's Hardware. Home Depot management has an ambitious plan to overtake its biggest competitor, RONA, which has about four times as many stores. However, many of RONA's stores are smaller than the typical Home Depot store. In terms of big box stores, the Home Depot has many more stores than RONA. As of 2007, RONA pulled ahead of The Home Depot in total retail sales, due to aggressive consolidation efforts by RONA, combined with the loss of The Home Depot's industrial supply division, HD Supply, in July 2007. The Home Depot now faces competition from Lowe's as they have moved into the Canadian market effective the end of 2007; Lowe's first eleven Canadian outlets are all located in Ontario.

The Home Depot banner in Quebec reads "Home Depot" without the definite article "the" in order to ensure a more cross-compatible proper name (that does not read like an English sentence) between both the French and English languages.


The Home Depot store in Mexico City, Mexico
The Home Depot entered Mexico in 2001, and has since become one of the largest retailers in Mexico, operating more than 50 stores with over 6,600 employees. Most of the Home Depot stores are located in the same installations in which the extinct Home Marts were located. Border town Home Depots attract some American consumers to make their US dollar go further in purchases of mostly same home improvement products in Home Depots of Tijuana, Mexicali, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros. In 2006, the Home Depot began a program to offer Mexican employees to have "guest worker" incentives for Mexican nationals and Latin Americans to easily, but legally obtain employment in Home Depots across the US.[citation needed]


In December 2006, the Home Depot announced its acquisition of the Chinese home improvement retailer The Home Way. The acquisition gave the Home Depot an immediate presence in China, with 12 stores in six cities.

United Kingdom

There have been reports that the Home Depot is interested in acquiring B&Q, the largest DIY retailer in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and China. The two companies are very similar in that they both use an orange square logo, have similar uniforms and websites and use a similar slogan. Speculation of a takeover began in 1999 when the retailer Asda was purchased by Wal-Mart. The Home Depot will have to acquire Kingfisher plc, B&Q's parent company, to acquire B&Q, Kingfisher consists of several European DIY chains however the Home Depot is only interested in B&Q operations and says that it will dispose of the Castorama chain which operates in France, Italy, Poland and Russia. Several talks have not yet resulted in a takeover deal.

South America

In 1997, Home Depot entered the Chilean and Argentinian markets. While the venture was viewed with great optimism by founders Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank, it eventually proved unprofitable. In October 2001, Chilean partners Falabella bought out Home Depot's share of the five Chilean stores, while in Argentina Hipermercados Jumbo acquired the four Argentine outlets.

Labor union policies

The Home Depot has a strong "union-free" policy like other major retail companies, such as Wal-Mart.

In 2004, Home Depot workers at a suburban Detroit store in Harper Woods, MI, rejected a bid to be represented by a labor union, voting 115 to 42 against joining the United Food and Commercial Workers.

If the union had won, the Michigan store would have been the first Home Depot ever to have union representation. The retailer has more than 2,200 stores in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and China.

In October 2008, co-founder Bernie Marcus called the Employee Free Choice Act "the demise of a civilization".


Whistleblower case

The Home Depot was embroiled in whistleblower litigation brought under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) law. In July 2005, former employee Michael Davis, represented by attorney Mark D. Schwartz, Esq., filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the Home Depot, alleging that his discharge was in retaliation for refusing to make unwarranted chargebacks against vendors. Davis alleges that the Home Depot forced its employees to meet a set quota of chargebacks to cover damaged or defective merchandise, forcing employees to make chargebacks to vendors for merchandise that was undamaged and not defective. The Home Depot alleges that it fired Davis for repeatedly failing to show up for work.

The trial initially was concluded in June 2006, but in April 2007, U.S. Department of Labor Judge Pamela Lakes Wood ordered the case reopened after the Home Depot's law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld revealed that the retail giant's in-house counsel had told them that two Home Depot employees who testified at the trial had lied. Akin Gump sent Wood a letter on September 29, 2006, in which the law firm requested that the testimony be stricken. In response to Akin Gump's revelation, Davis' attorney Mark D. Schwartz asked for the case to be reopened to permit further questioning of the witnesses. On April 6, 2007, Wood ordered the case to be reopened.

Schwartz believes that the witnesses who falsely denied that they had ever been asked to enter false return-to-vendor information gave false testimony under pressure from the Home Depot. Schwartz was quoted by the New York Post as saying, "I have reason to believe these witnesses were intimidated into giving false testimony." The Home Depot called Schwartz's allegations "meritless."

Home Depot has settled the dispute in a stipulation of settlement dated March 28, 2008. In the settlement, Home Depot changed some of its corporate governance provisions. Home Depot also agreed to pay the plaintiff's counsel $6 million in cash and $8.5 million in common stock.


^ a b [1]
^ BusinessWeek Company Profile: The Home Depot
^ "The Home Depot Names Helen Johnson-Leipold to Its Board of Directors". News Releases. The Home Depot. November 17, 2006. http://ir.homedepot.com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=219054.
^ "Corporate and Financial Overview." The Home Depot. Retrieved on April 24, 2009.
^ Top 100 Retailers: The Nation's Retail Power Players (PDF), Stores, July 2008.
^ "Home Depot Corporate website: Our History". Home Depot Corporate website: Our History. http://corporate.homedepot.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDdwNHH0sfE3M3AzMPJ8MAV0sDKADKR2LKmxrD5fHr9vPIz03VL8iNKAcAodaFaQ!!/dl2/d1/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnB3LzZfMEcwQUw5TDQ3RjA2SEIxUEY5MDAwMDAwMDA!/. Retrieved 2009-06-11.
^ Roush, Chris "Inside Home Depot" McGraw Hill
^ http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=5212
^ a b "Robert Nardelli Resigns as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Home Depot and Is Succeeded by Frank Blake". News Releases. The Home Depot. January 3, 2007. http://ir.homedepot.com/ReleaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=224078.
^ "Home Depot's Surprising Choice for CEO". Business Week. January 4, 2007. http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/content/jan2007/db20070103_536329.htm.
^ Home Depot retreats after Tuesday's big gain, Forbes.com
^ Home Depot in Albert Lea still open; others, not so lucky, Albert Lea Tribune
^ "Board of Directors". Corporate Governance. The Home Depot. 2008-05-21. http://ir.homedepot.com/governance/directors.cfm. Retrieved 2008-06-09.
^ "The Home Depot Opens First Home Depot Fuel Location in Georgia". PR Newswire. September 25, 2006. http://ir.homedepot.com/ReleaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=212065.
^ Bailey,M.. "Business & Industry: The Home Depot". Georgia College and State University. http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-1886&sug=y.
^ The Home Depot Partners with GEMA’s Ready Georgia to Teach Thousands of Kids about Emergency Preparedness, The Fayette Front Page, August 10, 2009, http://www.fayettefrontpage.com/public-safety/09/8-10-09_home-depot-gema.html
^ "Congratulations to our “Get Ready Georgia” Art and Essay Contest Winners!". Ready Georgia. http://www.example.org/. Retrieved 3 November 2009.
^ Drinkard, Jim (2005-01-17). "Donors get good seats, great access this week". USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-01-16-inauguration-donors_x.htm. Retrieved 2008-05-25.
^ "Financing the inauguration". USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-01-16-inaugural-donors_x.htm. Retrieved 2008-05-25.
^ "Some question inaugural's multi-million price tag". USA Today. 2005-01-14. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-01-14-price_x.htm. Retrieved 2008-05-25.
^ Home Depot PAC
^ "Business Code of Conduct and Ethics". Corporate Governance. The Home Depot. http://ir.homedepot.com/governance/ethics.cfm. Retrieved 2008-05-06.
^ "Home Depot to Display an Environmental Label". New York Times. April 17, 2007. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/17/business/17depot.html.
^ "Home Depot adopts new wood purchasing policy". Planet ARK. January 6, 2003. http://www.planetark.org/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/19281/story.htm.
^ "Home Depot Offers Recycling for Compact Fluorescent Bulbs". New York Times. June 24, 2008. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/24/business/24recycling.html.
^ "Duke Announces Construction of “The Home Depot Smart Home”". Duke University. October 24, 2006. http://www.pratt.duke.edu/news/?id=794.
^ "The Home Depot Becomes an Official NFL Sponsor". The Home Depot. January 9, 2007. http://ir.homedepot.com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=224939.
^ "Republican Candidates Increase Share of Business PAC Donations". Bloomberg.com. August 8, 2006. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=ax33MvEtvy0E&refer=news.
^ "Nardelli resigns abruptly as CEO of Home Depot, leaves with $210M". AP.com. January 3, 2007. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4188/is_20070103/ai_n17090979.
^ Harris, Paul (May 23, 2004). "Bush's super fundraisers join the queue for favours". http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,1222706,00.html. Retrieved 2007-10-24.
^ "The Home Depot acquires The Home Way". PR News Wire. December 13, 2006. http://www.prnewswire.com/mnr/homedepot/26373/.
^ BBC NEWS | Business | Bid talk lifts Kingfisher shares
^ US giant targets B&Q DIY chain | This is Money
^ The Scotsman
^ Kingfisher profit down 33% as B&Q unit takes a hammering
^ Marcus, Bernie; Blank, Arthur; Andelman, Bob (1999). Built from Scratch. New York: Random House. pp. 300-302. ISBN 0-8129-3058-4.
^ Home Depot Workers Reject Bid to Unionize
^ [2]
^ Kapner, Suzanne (April 12, 2007). "Home Depot Case Revived". New York Post. http://www.nypost.com/seven/04122007/business/home_depot_case_revived_business_suzanne_kapner.htm.
^ "Home Depot Settlement". U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. 2008-03-28. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/354950/000110465908023700/a08-10344_1ex99d2.htm.
External links

Home Depot, Inc. (Corporate website)
Home Depot Canada (English and French website)
Home Depot Mexico (Spanish)
Home Depot USA (English website)
Home Depot USA (Spanish website)

Free Grant Money For New Homes

Free Grant Money For New Homes

By Melissa Sabella

First time home buyers who are purchasing a new home shouldn't forget to consider the free government grant money that may be available to them. This is cash that the buyer can receive to help them with their down payment, closing costs or mortgage rate, and the money never has to be paid back.

At the government tries to stimulate the economy and get home sales back to a normal pace, they have implemented many programs to incentive people to buy new homes. First time home buyer grants are just one of those programs, which can provide you with thousands of dollars towards the purchase of your new home.

When you take in to consideration how much savings that few thousand dollars would be over the course of your 30-year mortgage, the figures are substantial. Especially when you consider that finding and applying for these programs may take all but an hour of your time. That, for most people, is time well spent.

As you search the grant database for the available federal grant programs and first time home buyer grants available in your area, you'll quickly realize that there are hundreds of other grant programs - many of which you may qualify for as well. There is no limit on the number of grants you can apply for and receive, so don't hesitate to submit multiple grant requests. Chances are they are different agencies providing the funds, so the applications shouldn't interfere or slow down the process in any way.

Simple Home Security Guidelines For Protecting New Homes

Simple Home Security Guidelines For Protecting New Homes

By Laila Jefferson

There's nothing quite as rewarding as having the keys to your very own place, especially if it symbolizes the moment when renting becomes buying. A huge step in growing up, getting serious, and being established is home ownership. In addition to being an exciting part of life, the amount of work and details that come with making such a huge financial decision can be a little bit stressful for anyone, let alone someone going through the process for the very first time.

On top of moving, signing the final paperwork, and making sure that everything is up to par, home security might not be the thing on new homeowner's minds. But after spending all of that time and effort choosing and buying a house, it would be a shame to not protect it in the same mindful manner. After all, a first home isn't just about owning property--it's about finally having a place that is truly, actually one's house.

Making smart choices for security actually start as soon as the move-in begins. All of those fancy boxes that advertise flat-screen televisions, computers, fancy stereo systems, and other desirable electronic equipment? Break them down and throw them away in other, plain boxes. Would-be robbers are known for casing neighborhoods, and nothing arouses interest quite like a moving van. Be sure to not leave any evidence out by the curb that there's a house packed full of items worth stealing.

If there's already a home alarm system in place in the new house, make sure the previous owners left clear instructions on how it works, and be sure to immediately change the PIN number or password. With realtors and previous owners all moving in and out before the closing, it's important to start fresh with a number that only you and your family know.

Even more importantly, it might be time to reassess the current system, and consider upgrading or updating. There might be an elderly member of the family who needs one-touch response, or children, which make the door opening and closing beep noise that much more important. Make sure the system in place does the job for your family, not the previous inhabitants, so that it can be that much more efficient.

After all the boxes are unpacked and things are getting settled, take the time to get to know your new neighbors. One of the most effective ways to keep everyone's home safe in a neighborhood is to foster a dialogue and have people know each other. It does wonders for everyone's home security when trusted neighbors are looking out for one another, so be friendly and get to know everyone. The other benefit of knowing the neighbors is recognizing when someone is hanging around a lot who shouldn't be, too.

An important investment that all new homeowners should consider making, too, is a small safe at home. While not quite as foolproof as a safe deposit box in a bank, a home safe is a great place to store important papers that shouldn't be out in public, in case of a robbery. Make sure there's a spot for jewelry and important documents where they will be safe in the new house, and it greatly diminishes the damage a robbery could do. Another great thing to keep in the safe is an external hard drive that backs up important information from computers, since robbery is a lot more high-tech these days.

The best protection for any new home is an alarm system that will help protect it. A great starting point for homeowners is a phone call to ADT home security, who can set up a system to your exact specifications. ADT alarms help keep both your new house and your family safe and sound.

How Many Bathrooms Do You Really Need? Building New Homes

How Many Bathrooms Do You Really Need? Building New Homes

When my dad was a kid, they lived in a two bedroom house with one bathroom and the family consisted of him, his two brothers and his mother and father. When I grew up, we have it a little bit better. We had the same sized family as my father did, but we lived in a three-bedroom house with two bathrooms.

How many bathrooms do you really need? Think about it. Here's what I would like to suggest, if you have more money than you know what to do with and would love to help the economy, then you should put as many bathrooms as you need in your home.

If you really need to tell your friends, that you have a 250 bedroom house with 275 bathrooms, and you have the money to pay for it, do it and knock yourself out. However, if you are building a new home, I would like you to consider, this question. How many bathrooms do you really need?

If you want each one of your children to have their own bathroom, then go for it. It will require more cleaning, more money to build these bathrooms and is it really necessary.

Here's what I would suggest as a guideline for deciding, how many bathrooms you really need. One bathroom for two or less people, two bathrooms for five or less people and three bathrooms for eight or less people. You could actually add one bathroom for every three people as a general rule of thumb.

Don't get carried away and start installing bathrooms all over your house, it doesn't make sense. Bathrooms are expensive and I have been in the homes, where I was the only person that used at bathroom. Some bathrooms might not ever be used.

Why Do We Need to Build Energy Efficient New Homes?

Why Do We Need to Build Energy Efficient New Homes?

By Amy Nutt

Wasting energy not only hurts your wallet, but also the planet. Homes use energy from fuels such as oil, coal, and electricity which add toxins to the air and water, contributes to global warming, and increases habitat loss. With the unstable oil and gas markets, many people are looking for ways to cut down on energy costs. Fortunately, new homes are being built to increase energy efficiency and lower energy costs.

There are many benefits to building energy efficient new homes that include:

Reduced Costs: An energy efficient new home is constructed to keep heat from escaping so you are not running the furnace 24 hours a day. Many mortgage companies offer incentives to people building energy efficient new homes. There are also federal tax incentives for building these new homes.

Sound Investment: Each year more people are looking for these kinds of homes. Building an energy efficient new home now will increase the future value of the home.

Peace of Mind: Building an energy efficient new home allows homeowners to enjoy their home knowing they are meeting energy efficiency guidelines.

Fewer Pollutants: It is estimated that 16 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are generated from the energy used in houses nationwide. When you use less energy, you decrease the amount of pollutants being released in the environment. This will lead to less of an impact on global warming.

Improved Air Quality: Cold drafts blowing through the home can be uncomfortable and increase the risk of sickness. An energy efficient new home ensures air tightness keeping the home cozy. These new homes also protect against cold, heat, drafts, and moisture. Not only does an energy-efficient new home improve indoor air quality, it keeps temperatures consistent.

General features of an energy efficient new home include: Engineered Lumber: Build a new home using lumber from trees that are identified as a renewable species because they grow fast and help protect the environment.

Roofing: Selecting durable roofing materials such as cement reduces the amount of regular roofing waste entering landfills.

Improved Insulation: Better quality insulation that is properly installed in attics, walls, ceilings, and floors, will decrease energy use and reduce energy costs.

Energy-Efficient Windows: Manufactured and installed windows using new technologies that include protective coatings and improved frames. These windows ensure that heat stays outside during the summer and inside during the winter. Energy efficient windows also block damaging ultraviolet sunlight.

Energy Efficient Doors: Installing improved seals around doors and patio doors will stop cold air flowing into homes or warm air escaping.

Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling systems: Furnaces, heat pumps, and thermostats that are energy efficient allow new homes to use less energy and save money. Heating and cooling systems are quieter and reduce indoor humidity.

Solar Heat: A number of new energy efficient homes are designed to benefit from solar heat coming through larger windows

Ducts: Sealing the heating and cooling duct systems reduces drafts, moisture, and dust. Tight ducts will ensure that the proper amount of warm or cool air is reaching every room.

Energy Efficient appliances: Modern and energy efficient appliances allow you to save money while using less energy. Appliances include ovens, dish washers, washer and dryer machines, and refrigerators...etc.

Low-Flow Faucets, Shower Heads, and Toilets: Decreases water use and reduces hydro fees

Air Filtration Systems: Installing energy efficient air filtration systems is healthy for the family and saves money.

Whether your home energy comes from oil, gas, or coal, it has a direct impact on the environment and your wallet. These energy sources contribute to global warming, habitat loss, and increases toxins in our air and water. By building an energy efficient new home, you can do your part to help the planet while lowering your energy costs.

New Homes in Las Vegas

New Homes in Las Vegas

By Jimmy Sturo

A search for a perfect home in Las Vegas is often an exhaustive exercise that requires careful planning and research. Las Vegas has many housing options ranging from single family homes to investment homes, luxury high rise condominiums, townhouses or even homes for rent.

Housing in Las Vegas is in high demand due to rapid growth of immigration, a strong economy, booming tourism and the industries that support the tourism. Many investors are opting for real estate purchases in the area.

Also, with no state or corporate income tax and low vacancy rates, Las Vegas is a favorable option for real estate investments. Fast appreciating property prices, a good business environment, connectivity, and other community services make the package very attractive. The Las Vegas Nevada Metro is an upcoming attraction that adds to growth and property value appreciation. Some of the Las Vegas area builders with a quality reputation are KB Homes, Richmond American, Centex, Pulte and American West.

A number of high-rises with condominium complexes can be spotted in the skyline of Las Vegas, as the crowded downtown area becomes a city going vertical. These apartment-style accommodations open up an entire new range for new home hunters. With a price range starting at $400,000, they are selling quickly. Excellent examples of such complexes are the Trump Tower, a 64-story, hotel and tower on Las Vegas Boulevard; the Park Avenue Luxury Mid Rise condos that hold 20 residential buildings; the MGM Grand; the Conrad Hotel which boasts of an enviable central location; the Sky Las Vegas and The Cosmopolitan, among others. This line of homes blends recreation with a taste of comfort and a touch of style.

Outside of downtown Las Vegas, there are many other rental and purchasing options. With careful research and planning, anyone can find their perfect home in the Las Vegas area.

Home Interior Decorator

Home Interior Decorator

Home Interior DecoratorHome Interior Decorator
Home Interior DecoratorHome Interior Decorator

Easy Home Decorating Tips and Ideas

Easy Home Decorating Tips and Ideas

By Lisa Loyd

Are you trying to determine what to do and how to do it when it comes to home decorating? Home decorating is easy once you know what to do. Hiring a professional home decorator is expensive considering you can do it yourself. Then you can use the money you save to decorate your home.

You need to determine the type of home decorating style you find most appealing. What style do you like? Do you prefer classical, modern, or a mishmash of design style? Maybe you want to mix things up a little and go for something completely different. Once you know the exact home décor style that you want to go with, you will be able to pick things such as area rugs, window treatments, and wall color.

One thing that many people do seem to have a lot of trouble with when it comes to home decorating is the wall color. They tend to be afraid to add wall color. The thing is though, any color is better than white. White is not something that will bring tranquility to a room. If you want to keep with a lighter, more neutral color, than a light tan will work. You can bring in more color to a room by painting one wall in a different color. You can add a complimentary bold color to develop your home decorating style, theme, and design. Consider painting just one wall with a bold color to accentuate your choices.

When it comes to collections, remember that less is more. Although you may enjoy displaying your signature collection, you do not want to overwhelm a room by displaying everything. Rather you should concentrate on displaying your favorite pieces in one area of a room. Display only your favorite pieces or change up from time to time rather than displaying everything all the time. An overly cluttered room will feel much smaller and messy than it really is.

If you find yourself stuck for ideas, make sure that you are looking for inspiration. You may find inspiration while searching online through catalogs, magazines as well as visiting particular places. Home decorating is easy to do when you know what to do

Home Decorating Ideas

Home Decorating Ideas

By Deep Raj

Tips and home decorating ideas:

Often we have seen women trying to use new ideas for decorating the home. Mostly they look but at times they end up in a disaster. But don't give we are human beings and learn from our mistakes. If someone next time comes and tell you that the home decorating idea you have used is weird, don't worry. Give a big smile and say modern people experiments give others an inspirations and this is an inspirational work or simply the 'modern art'. But to avoid such comments, it's wiser to be more organized. You might have ample numbers of ideas for decorating the home. Just pen them down one by one. At times, you require things from market to decorate the home so just take a pen and paper and note them down. When you go to market / from an online store purchase them.

The next thing is formulate a design on the paper saying where the furniture is kept and do a rough detailing. This will assist you in knowing whether you are moving on the right track or not. There have instances, where people bought so many things that instead of a decorating the room, they even ruled out the empty space for moving freely. Avoid such kind of blunders as they appear as a 'clutter' more often than a unique decorative idea.

May be if things are not working the way you want them, then hire a home decorator. They will not only help you in implementing your great design plan but add essence to it. In short they will polish your idea and help you to beautify your sweet home. Here is an easy step-by-step guide for decorating home: Constrict your focus on a single room at a time. If you are planning to redecorate your living room then concentrate on it.

Firstly, enter the room and visualize how you want it to look like. What is the first thing that comes to your mind? Have a look at the furniture, if it's too old then replace it with lightweight furniture. Consider a new table in a classic design, chairs, stools, etc., that can be moved from one place to another. May you would only be required to rearrange the things or move certain things out of the view to give the new look. Sometimes, changing the fabric of the upholstery is more than enough. "Appealing designs is the key thing here."

If you find furniture okay then there is a need to add color to the long wall. Use bright color or if your have an armoire then place those intricately design pots or favorite cut glass work bowls, crockery, etc., over there.

Secondly, simplify the tabletop clutter and keep those eye-catching accessories over there. Place them in an attractive manner to create a pleasing serene view. It will give a ravishing look.

Next space where everyone wants to decorate is dining room. One should versatile designs and styles for decorating the room. With this use accessories that accentuate the beauty. You may use one of those classical candelabrums to give a soothing touch to the furniture.

Home Decorators

Home Decorators

By Frank C. Jameson

Remodeling a house may not be a good decision as of now. With the economic problem and the recession experienced by the workers around the world, spending too much might be a bit off. But if you really want to improve the look of your house, you may do so in simple and reasonable ways.

One would be remodeling your home through interior enhancements. And what better way to enhance your interior than to turn your main source of entertainment into a fabulous and exciting piece. Look at your LCD television and imagine making it a piece of art.

Simply by using an elegant or a quirky LCD TV stand, you can make you entertainment area sophisticated or fun. Most appliances center and furniture shops have made different designs for LCD TV stands to cater to its wide market. The new generation has glass and steel materials while the traditional ones are made of wood. Designs vary as well as sizes.

You can definitely find one for your TV. This can also save some space in your room because the LCD stand itself can serve as storage for your other devices. Aside from considering the material from which it was made, the sizes, and the storage capacity, do consider as well the weight capacity. This will probably be the most important thing that you should consider. Make sure that your LCD stand can perfectly carry the weight of your LCD TV.

Fret not for you can find an LCD TV stand any where. Your local shops surely have an LCD TV that would fit your needs. If you can't find one at your nearest store, go visit the Internet and you will surely see plenty of choices.

Just keep in mind the things that you are really considering. Check the price if its fits your budget. Consider its functionality and design. If you have agreed on these aspects, then go buy that one piece of furniture that will surely improve the look of your entertainment area. Remember, if your Samsung LCD TV looks good, a quality LCD TV stand will make it look bett

“We Are Family” Sofa for Six

“We Are Family” Sofa for Six

The collaboration between Claus Molgaard (engineer) and Ole Jensen (designer) led to creating this very useful bed set that is suggestively called “we are family”. With this one sofa the accommodation of six people is possible. The set comes with plenty of blankets and pillows so there will be no need for extra sheets and whatnot. Simply spread them around your apartment in case of “emergencies” such as an unexpected party and have your guests sleeping in good conditions. A great idea for saving space, this can also be applied when in comes to student dorms for example. The materials used were un-refined bamboo and cotton. For more information or for purchasing this product you can contact the designer here.

from: fresshome.com

Low Profile Beds with Adjustable Headboard to Fit Your Needs

Low Profile Beds with Adjustable Headboard to Fit Your Needs

Designed by a Swish furniture company named De Sede, these low profile beds are crafted from the highest quality leather, and feature an adjustable headboard to fit your needs (see images below). This feature makes it a true premiere in bed design. These beds bear eloquent witness to how daring design can play delightfully with sensuality to conjure up unique new vistas for the human imagination. Added to this comes an intriguing choice of shapes. But the practical element has not been forgotten: standardized elements can be used for the slatted frames and mattresses thus allowing customers to choose their beds “inner selves” to suit their own individual requirements. These beds provide the ideal spot for virtually untrammelled dreaming – both by night and by day.

from: freshome.com

Interesting & Multifunctional Bedside Cabinet and Table by Maria Cichy

Interesting & Multifunctional Bedside Cabinet and Table by Maria Cichy

This very interesting multifunctional piece of furniture designed by Maria Cichy combines a table and a small bedside cabinet as you can see in the pictures attached below. Although stylish finished, it appears to be low-priced furniture with a distinctly graceful surface. This piece of furniture exhibits fine craftsmanship and a sense of modern home styling. The idea can be also very practical for small places because the small table can be deatached from the cabinet just when you need it. – Via – Decoist

from: freshome.com

Modern Bedding Collection from DwellStudio

Modern Bedding Collection from DwellStudio

Here is a lovely bedroom design idea brought to you by DwellStudio, a company currently manufacturing their products in Portugal, Europe and whose aim is “to marry the contemporary with the traditional and luxurious quality with innovative design”. Even though the company only manufactures the bedding set, we considered that the first picture is a nice display of a modern bedroom idea. This particular bedding set is called “Collage Charcoal Shams” and it features abstract imprints. Geometrical shapes are present in a random form creating a very wicked overall effect.
from: freshome.com

Pixels™ : Add Image Quality to Your Interior

Pixels™ : Add Image Quality to Your Interior

We found this interesting design idea while surfing around PillowsandThrows.com. Pixels™ is basically an add-on to furniture items as we know them. The dots embedded in the materials completely change the visual effect of any product and also the focal point of the room, being given that the color is also strong- like in the picture below for example. Available in a wide range of textures and colors, these designs are very easy to adapt in any interior. You can use them as wall decors, as tiles for your kitchen or as headboards, it is all up to you and your imagination. Either way, we hope we have given you a practical tip and we would like to wish you a fun time decorating your crib.

from: freshome.com

Night Storage Units from Pianca

Night Storage Units from Pianca

A fresh touch and a vivid look – this is what will “happen” to any interior that will come in contact with these new night storage units from Pianca. You are looking at a successful collision between fashion and function. Gloss lacquered finishes make the cupboards unbelievable noticeable and therefore the highlight of any room. The practical feature is that these items are extremely spacious and the drawers will prove to be quite a helper when it comes to storing bedroom objects that you would not normally want lying around the room. The colors are especially chosen for an elegant interior and a simple one in matters of color. For ordering this product online, you cand get in contact with the company here.

from: freshome.com

Girls’ Bedroom Set by Starlight

Girls’ Bedroom Set by Starlight

A captain’s bed, a computer desk, a bookcase and a chest drawer are “must-have” items for any young lady. We particularly liked this simple and white collection from starlight as it inspires innocence and we consider that this would be a very stimulating room for a little girl to start writing her diary, study or think of her black nights to come. The details are what make this particular room dreamy: the pictures on the walls, the dolls, flowers and pink carpets, they all bring a nice and cosy touch to the interior and make it more personalized. While these “small accessories” are for each young lady to choose for herself, here is where you can purchase the rest of the items mentioned in the beginning of this post.

Children’s Bedroom Ideas from Dearkids

Children’s Bedroom Ideas from Dearkids

Dearkids is an Italian company that produces furniture for children. Founded in 1951, their experience made them so great at what they do, that we couldn’t help not sharing these lovely bedrooms with you. Pink, orange, purple, yellow and blue are the dominant colors and the overall impression that these rooms give away is “cute”. We particularly enjoy the arrangements on the walls (colorful butterflies, paintings, clocks) and all the small details : flower arrangements, carpets, beautiful mirrors, fluffy pillows. We will let you observe the rest of them for yourselves, not before we tell you where to contat the company.

from: freshome.com

Fun Bedding Design from Lago

Fun Bedding Design from Lago

Dearkids is an Italian company that produces furniture for children. Founded in 1951, their experience made them so great at what they do, that we couldn’t help not sharing these lovely bedrooms with you. Pink, orange, purple, yellow and blue are the dominant colors and the overall impression that these rooms give away is “cute”. We particularly enjoy the arrangements on the walls (colorful butterflies, paintings, clocks) and all the small details : flower arrangements, carpets, beautiful mirrors, fluffy pillows. We will let you observe the rest of them for yourselves, not before we tell you where to contat the company.
from: freshome.com

Murphy Beds for Smaller Living Spaces

Murphy Beds for Smaller Living Spaces

It’s a fact that smaller living areas like apartment and flats usually have hardly any furniture choices on hand, hence why a large bed in the bedroom, might be a problem. But worry no more, as we just laid our eyes on a Murphy Beds collection that will solve all your space crunch problems. Custom made to fit your loft or basically any space you desire, the beds make use of the upper space of a room and look comfortable enough. Just don’t go overboard at night.- via
from: freshome.com