Saya Siap Membantu Semua Desain Arsitektur Yang Anda Butuhkan.

( Rumah Tinggal, Kantor, Ruko, Hotel, Apartment, Villa, Plaza, Toko,Gudang Dll )

Hanya 3 proses saja Impian anda akan terwujud ikuti langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini……………


- Biaya desain sangat murah, jauh dibawah harga normal.
- Tata letak ruangan di dalam rumah akan lebih teratur
- Memanfaatkan secara maksimal luas lahan.
- Efisien karena konsultasi dapat dilakukan dimanapun Anda / Klien berada.

Desain yang akan Anda / Klien dapatkan meliputi :

- Lay Out
- Site Plan
- Denah lt. 01, dst
- Tampak Depan & Samping
- Potongan A-A & B-B
- Perspektif 1 View

( Semua pengerjaan secara digital atau cetak kertas A3 )

Gratis untuk Anda / Klien yang menggunakan jasa kami :

- 2 (dua) kali revisi gambar (bukan revisi total)
- 2 (dua) kali konsultasi via email/sms/chat/call : 08121795425
- Biaya kirim melalui TiKi di Indonesia
- Desain-desain untuk keperluan tempat ibadah/sosial hanya kena biaya cetak & kirim

Hari Ini Fee Desain : Rp. 20.000,- per m²

Minimal Luas Bangunan 400 m2

< 400 m2 = 400 m2

Bila menghendaki gambar kerja lebih detail

harga nego

Proses Kerja

Untuk mendesain rumah Anda dengan order online, maka berikut tahap proses yang akan dilakukan :

I. Data dari Anda / Klien :

- Ukuran tanah : 20 x 20 = 400 m²

- Jumlah, ukuran dan fungsi ruang (misalnya Anda / Klien menginginkan nanti ruangannya apa aja, bangunannya 2 lantai, ada dapur teras r tamu dll) kalau bisa lampirkan foto/gambar bangunan sebagai pendekatan

- Peraturan bangunan dari lokal dan pemerintah daerah (misalnya garis sepadan bangunan)

- Peta Lokasi ( Arah Mata Angin, posisi lahan ada di mana )

* ANDA SCAN KIRIM EMAIL KE : onarsitek@yahoo.com

Beritahu saya sms ke : 08121795425

II. Analisa dari Kami

- Perkiraan luas bangunan : Mis : 600 m² (Untuk Teras, Selasar dihitung 50 %nya )

Perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 600 m² = Rp. 12.000.000,-

- Kami sampaikan biaya yang harus Anda / Klien bayarkan dan kami akan kirimkan desain awal rumah dalam format jpg / gif via email untuk ditanggapi

- Setelah Anda / Klien setuju, lakukan transfer ke rekening kami sejumlah 50% dari perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 12.000.000 x 50% = Rp. 6.000.000,-

- Kirim konfirmasi pembayaran melalui email/sms ke 08121795425

berupa : *Nama*tanggal transfer*Nominalnya*.

Misal : *Budi*25/03/09*6.000.000*

* HUB SAYA – NEGO – ANDA TRANSFER KE : BNI 46 Cab. Unair Surabaya – 9025202-1

III. Gambar Paket

- Kami kerjakan kurang lebih 2 (dua) minggu (tergantung tingkat kesulitan),

- Selesai dan kondisi akhir luas bangunan 500 m² (termasuk luas teras,selasar dihitung 50 % ) dengan perhitungan biaya :

Total biaya akhir = Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 500 m²

= Rp.10.000.000,-

Sisa pembayaran = Rp.10.000.000,- - Rp. 6.000.000,-

= Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah Desain selesai saya beritahu anda dan kirim format JPG lewat email.

- Anda / Klien melakukan pembayaran sisa transfer

ke rekening kami sejumlah Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah transfer saya terima maka gambar akan saya cetak A3 dan saya kirim ke alamat anda



Cepat Wujudkan IMPIAN ANDA Dengan 3 Proses diatas.

Kontak Saya :


Rachmat Prasetyo, ST



Jl. Jojoran I-G/11 Surabaya

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Simple Home Security Guidelines For Protecting New Homes

Simple Home Security Guidelines For Protecting New Homes

By Laila Jefferson

There's nothing quite as rewarding as having the keys to your very own place, especially if it symbolizes the moment when renting becomes buying. A huge step in growing up, getting serious, and being established is home ownership. In addition to being an exciting part of life, the amount of work and details that come with making such a huge financial decision can be a little bit stressful for anyone, let alone someone going through the process for the very first time.

On top of moving, signing the final paperwork, and making sure that everything is up to par, home security might not be the thing on new homeowner's minds. But after spending all of that time and effort choosing and buying a house, it would be a shame to not protect it in the same mindful manner. After all, a first home isn't just about owning property--it's about finally having a place that is truly, actually one's house.

Making smart choices for security actually start as soon as the move-in begins. All of those fancy boxes that advertise flat-screen televisions, computers, fancy stereo systems, and other desirable electronic equipment? Break them down and throw them away in other, plain boxes. Would-be robbers are known for casing neighborhoods, and nothing arouses interest quite like a moving van. Be sure to not leave any evidence out by the curb that there's a house packed full of items worth stealing.

If there's already a home alarm system in place in the new house, make sure the previous owners left clear instructions on how it works, and be sure to immediately change the PIN number or password. With realtors and previous owners all moving in and out before the closing, it's important to start fresh with a number that only you and your family know.

Even more importantly, it might be time to reassess the current system, and consider upgrading or updating. There might be an elderly member of the family who needs one-touch response, or children, which make the door opening and closing beep noise that much more important. Make sure the system in place does the job for your family, not the previous inhabitants, so that it can be that much more efficient.

After all the boxes are unpacked and things are getting settled, take the time to get to know your new neighbors. One of the most effective ways to keep everyone's home safe in a neighborhood is to foster a dialogue and have people know each other. It does wonders for everyone's home security when trusted neighbors are looking out for one another, so be friendly and get to know everyone. The other benefit of knowing the neighbors is recognizing when someone is hanging around a lot who shouldn't be, too.

An important investment that all new homeowners should consider making, too, is a small safe at home. While not quite as foolproof as a safe deposit box in a bank, a home safe is a great place to store important papers that shouldn't be out in public, in case of a robbery. Make sure there's a spot for jewelry and important documents where they will be safe in the new house, and it greatly diminishes the damage a robbery could do. Another great thing to keep in the safe is an external hard drive that backs up important information from computers, since robbery is a lot more high-tech these days.

The best protection for any new home is an alarm system that will help protect it. A great starting point for homeowners is a phone call to ADT home security, who can set up a system to your exact specifications. ADT alarms help keep both your new house and your family safe and sound.

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